Who is Leila Hormozis husband Alex Hormozi?

Posted by Tisa Delillo on Thursday, June 6, 2024

Iranian-born Leila Hormozi is an entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, and co-CEO of ACQUISITION. According to a report, she just underwent surgery to purportedly alter her gender.

In 2014, Leila interned at Golden Door as a fitness specialist. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree the following year. In 2015, Leila relocated to Orange County, California, to start her career in fitness. She had lost 100 pounds before and wanted to help others do the same.

Hormozi launched three firms, nurtured them, and over the course of four years, boosted their total sales to over $120 million. She ultimately joined the founding groups of Prestige Labs, ALAN, and Gym Launch.

Who is Leila Hormozi’s husband Alex Hormozi?

Alex Hormozi is a well-known novelist and businessman and is Leila Hormozi’s husband. On May 17, 2017, they got married, and they just celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary.

She moved to Orange County, California, in 2015 in order to start a career as a fitness trainer. She outsold every other personal trainer in the region in terms of sales a year after moving.
